CBD Live Resins

CBD manufacturers are always trying to come up with new product ideas that can provide better results for users. As a result of this, a wide variety of products made from cannabidiol (CBD) began to appear in the market. A new addition to this is CBD live resins that come with all the health benefits of cannabinoids along with the enhanced effects of terpenes. Therefore, through this article, we introduce CBD live resins so that you can understand why this product can be a better option for you when compared to other CBD concentrates.

CBD Live Resins

This is a comparatively new addition to the CBD industry. But live resins have already managed to gain huge popularity among CBD users because of their enhanced benefits. The best property of live resin that differentiates it from other CBD products is the high terpene profile.

As a CBD user, you might be already aware of terpenes, as these are compounds that are usually present in your full-spectrum and broad-spectrum products along with cannabinoids and other plant compounds. However, the concentration of terpenes is very low in these products when compared to live resins.

This is because the full-spectrum, as well as the broad-spectrum products, are produced from dried plant materials, whereas the live resins are extracted when the plant is still fresh. The terpenes present in the hemp plant will start to lose immediately after the plant is cut. Therefore, your normal CBD products will contain only a small portion of terpenes present in the live plant, as the drying of the plant materials cause the terpenes to evaporate. But live resins are made before the plant dries, hence, it can retain most of the terpenes present in it.

How Live Resins Are Made?

The process of producing CBD live resins begins immediately after the plant is cut. The terpenes can evaporate soon after the plant is cut. Therefore, the plant will be frozen just after it is cut for preventing the loss of terpenes.

After this, a solvent like butane will be forced through the plant matter to strip out various compounds present in it. This will extract all the important plant materials including terpenes, cannabinoids, flavonoids, etc.

Why Terpenes Are Important?

Live resins can provide better results when compared to other CBD concentrates because of the high terpene profile. Terpenes are important plant compounds that can provide a large number of health benefits. Some of the popular terpenes include limonene, terpineol, linalool, myrcene, pinene, etc.

Different terpenes are found to have anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and other disease-fighting properties. Therefore, the presence of these compounds can help to have better results from your CBD products.