Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is a condition that involves muscle soreness followed by an intense activity like exercising. This condition can cause extreme discomfort, as you won’t be able to move the affected muscles and continue your exercise routines. But now you can try a highly effective remedy called cannabidiol (CBD) to control this condition. By using CBD for muscle soreness, you can naturally control the problems caused by DOMS.

What To Know About DOMS?

DOMS usually occurs if you engage in high-intensity or excessive exercises and other physical activities. These intense activities can lead to tiny, microscopic tears in your muscles which can cause inflammation and pain. The intensity of the pain you experience can be dependent on the severity of muscle injuries.

Eccentric exercises are more likely to cause DOMS when compared to other forms of exercises, as they involve the contraction of muscles while they are lengthening. Some of these exercises include downhill running, landing drills, long-distance running, etc.

Some symptoms associated with DOMS include:

  • Dull pain that occurs 24-48 hours after performing an intense activity
  • Swelling in the muscle
  • Muscle fatigue
  • Pain localized to the affected muscle groups which is followed by their inflammation and swelling

As this condition can cause pain, stiffness, and inflammation in the affected muscle groups, it can make it difficult for you to move those muscles. This can interrupt your exercise routines thereby interfering with your goals.


The use of CBD can help you to effectively get relief from the symptoms caused by DOMS. The natural therapeutic benefits offered by this compound make it a safe and potent option to treat this condition.

By using CBD for DOMS, you will be able to derive the following benefits:

It Can Control Muscle Pain And Soreness: The most debilitating problems caused by DOMS are pain and soreness in the muscles. They can make it difficult for you to engage in activities that involve the use of affected muscles.

But CBD can aid you to get relief from this problem because of its proven painkilling properties. You can apply this compound to the injured muscles to relieve the pain present there.

It Can Help With Inflammation And Swelling: Persistent inflammation and swelling caused by DOMS can affect the healing of muscle injuries. But the anti-inflammatory effects of CBD might control these issues thereby making it possible to control the stiffness present in your muscles.

Additionally, the use of CBD for muscle soreness is also found to speed up the recovery process. Therefore, you can easily get relief from your DOMS symptoms with the aid of this compound.