CBD For Pets

CBD is equally beneficial for both pets and humans because it produces its therapeutic effects by stimulating the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Due to the increasing popularity of CBD for pets, manufacturers are introducing different types of cannabidiol pet products. They can be used for treating the symptoms of ailments and even as dietary supplements. Also, remember that their effectiveness depends on the type of product used. This article further explores popular CBD products for pets.

CBD Oil Tincture

It is a famed product among other CBD pet products that are used for medical purposes. You can either give it directly or you can add it to their food. The water-soluble variant of CBD oil can be added to the water that you give to your pet. When buying CBD for dogs, you must ensure that it is made using extracts of hemp plant strains that have less than 0.3% of THC. This is important as dogs are sensitive to this cannabinoid.

CBD Pet Treats

Pet treats are another category of popular CBD products for pets, and they are widely available for pet animals like cats and dogs. They are easy to administer because the cannabidiol dosage per serving is fixed. Hence there is minimal risk of overdosing. Compared to oil tinctures, the therapeutic effect of edible treats is minimal due to the reduced CBD dosage per serving.

Some of the ingredients used for making CBD pet treats are liver powder, and flavors like bacon for dogs, salmon, tuna, chicken, and catnip for cats. Also, there will be a difference in dosage between CBD edible treats for dogs and cats.

CBD Pet Capsules

Capsules are the best way to administer a precise dosage of CBD for pets. They can be given by mixing with food because your pet may not notice it. The other option is to give it by hiding in a normal pet treat. Furthermore, giving it with lipid-rich food will increase the bioavailability of CBD because cannabidiol is a fat-soluble compound.

CBD Pet Topicals

Topical CBD products like creams, ointments, or oils are applied to the skin or fur coat of pet animals. For instance, applying CBD oil can soothe irritation, rashes, give a glow to the coat of dogs, etc. Here, you need not worry about the THC content of the cannabidiol product because it does not enter the bloodstream.

Due to the increased demand for CBD for pets, more research is conducted to better understand the effect of CBD on the health of pet animals.