CBD For Pain

Choosing the right dosage per day is one of the difficult tasks for CBD users. However, finding the right dosage suitable for you is important, as the results you get can be dependent on it. If the dosage is low, you may not get the required benefits. On the contrary, if the dosage is high, there is a great possibility for you to experience some side effects. Even though high amounts of CBD are found to be tolerable for the human body, you can experience some adverse effects like dry mouth, drowsiness, diarrhea, etc. Therefore, it is better to avoid taking low as well as high dosages of CBD.

Therefore, we analyze how to choose the right CBD dosage suitable for a person:

How To Choose A CBD Dosage?

Finding the CBD dosage suitable for you can indeed be difficult, as the dosage requirements to get the intended benefits can vary from person to person. So a dosage that fits your friend or a family member might not be effective for you.

There are several important factors that can affect the amount of CBD you have to take. They include your body weight, the intensity of the condition you are suffering, the amount of CBD present in the product, the method of consumption, and more.

The CBD dosage effective for different health conditions can vary greatly. CBD dosage ranging from 1mg to 1000mg is considered safe. Consuming CBD beyond 1000mg can lead to side effects that might interfere with your day.

The recommended dosages for some health conditions are listed below:

Nausea And Indigestion

Nausea and indigestion are common issues that you can experience. CBD can be greatly effective to deal with such conditions in a natural way. CBD is even found to control nausea and vomiting found in people who have undergone chemotherapy.

It is recommended to put 2-3 drops of CBD oil under the tongue to control nausea and vomiting.

Pain Therapy

The amount of CBD you have to take can vary based on the intensity of the pain. The dosage that is generally recommended when taking CBD for pain is 2.5mg to 20mg.


As epilepsy is a chronic condition, you will have to take higher dosages for controlling the symptoms associated with this condition. When using CBD for epilepsy, a dosage of 200mg to 300mg is ideal.

When starting to use CBD, it is better to go for lower dosages in the beginning to avoid the risk of side effects.