Benefits Of CBD

People are increasingly exploring non-Western treatments for their cats as they search for ways to keep them happy and healthy. An alternative treatment is CBD oil, which is not surprising, given the fact that more people are turning to cannabis as a natural treatment for their health issues. However, it hasn’t been the subject of any major scientific studies into how it affects pets.

How Does CBD Oil Affects Cats?

In the same way as humans, cats also have an endocannabinoid system. The idea that CBD can help them with things like anxiety, stress, inflammation, and pain isn’t that far-fetched. After all, it helps the rest of us, too. To support this, we see and hear plenty of anecdotal evidence, from stories about arthritis-stricken cats recovering from the disorder with the help of CBD oil products.

Even so, we can’t say for sure because there aren’t any long-term studies that can confirm our suspicions. CBD for cats appears to be as safe as it is for dogs, according to research. THC contamination was found to be the likely cause of side effects in one study, which found that large doses could cause side effects. According to the same study, cats and pups absorb and eliminate CBD differently, which may mean we need to adjust the doses for cats.

Benefits Of CBD For Cats

The main claim to fame of CBD is its ability to reduce inflammation, which in turn decreases chronic pain in mammals. Because CBD oil blocks the ‘vanilloid receptor’ from turning on, researchers at Cornell University discovered that CBD oil is effective at treating pain. For this reason, CBD is an excellent treatment for neurological disorders such as seizures and epilepsy because it is a neuroprotector.

Cats, like humans, can become agitated. Some cats are born with anxiety, while others are afflicted by abandonment or abuse. Just like humans and dogs, studies have shown that CBD oil can also calm felines and alleviate their anxiety issues.

As cats age, their brains begin to degenerate. An older cat’s inexplicable howling or yowling, especially at night, is one of the most common symptoms of dementia. By activating the endocannabinoid system, CBD and other cannabinoids are said to improve neuroplasticity and regenerate brain cells. Neuroprotective properties of CBD in humans have been the subject of dozens of studies; new research is focusing on CBD’s cognitive enhancing properties in cats.